Saturday, June 29, 2013

Building houses in La Legua

Most of the missionaries that came to Santisimo Sacramento will have an opportunity to build houses for the villagers. This is an experience of a life time. Not only do we learn about materials and construction, we learn a little bit about sustainability and the family of La Legua.

Building supply store where we can purchase bamboo poles, bamboo mat, prefabricated doors, plywood, wood, zinc roof, nail, and wires.

Loading bamboo poles, bamboo mats and doors from the local supply store.

Construction crew ready for action. Materials needed for one house.


Bamboo walls 

Front and back doors.

Missionary from St. Anne with the Peruvian family who will be staying in this future new house.

Discussing how to put up the front wall.

Getting wood for the partition.

Making partition for the house with Jake.

Putting plywood on the partition frame.

Nailing and securing the corner of the frame.

Putting up bamboo pole to support the zinc roof.

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