I manage to pick up some courage and introduce the phonetic method in teaching ABCs.
Thanks to my preschool teachers who drilled all the sounds through singing.
They explained that because of the lack of wifi in the schools, they could not readily create lessons or show videos to their students without previously preparing it at home, which is a hassle.They further explained that having Internet access would definitely be an asset since they could access textbook recommended resources to enrich their students' learning experience.
Finally, the Internet would ease their teaching because it would eliminate a virus problem. Since the teachers have to transfer files from their home computers to the school computers, their USB's occasionally get infected. To prevent this, having school issued USB's and laptops for the teachers would work.
I'm really glad that the teachers' needs align with the supplies that we brought down and the future supplies that Ms. Burson is bringing down. Both the students and teachers have tons of school pride, and to put it in the English teacher's words, "we'll improve step by step, and we'll be great in no time!"
The students are very interested and curious in what I am doing; particularly one middle school girl.
I manage to teach and show her different ways of using words; simple functions like copy, choosing a different fond and other fun stuff....
Then, more students wanted to experiment with the computers. I really wanted to show the students there, how computers can enhance their learning skills and make a better persentation than normal writing using pen or pencil on papers.
Teaching and showing Mr. Julio how to set up and use the projector with the laptop. Now, he can project his worksheets, powerpoint and other materials on the wall. This definitely safe tons of paper and tons of trees......
Demonstrating and teaching the teachers how to back up and restore hard disk.
Both of the teachers will then use their knowledge to restore and maintain the laptop that they have at their school.
Fun facts about the school, Madre del buen Consejo.
It is a school from Kindergartner to High school (All in one compound). The school is surrounded by high walls. Inside the school looks amazing but just outside, you will see piles of sand/soil everywhere. I don't really know whether there is a construction going on. The place that caught my interest me is the door. It has a hugh door and within is a smaller door for people to move in and out.
I just like to go in and out of this door. It's just like a play house.
High walls surrounding the school for security?
Looks like there is a construction going on. But where... ?
Drop -off area for the students. It really bring back old memories.....It's just like when I was at Elementary school.
You're awesome! Thanks for meeting with the teachers. That was a great idea. Thanks for getting the information to us so quickly!