Wednesday, June 12, 2013


As I am staying in a Catholic parish, mass obviously plays an important role in my everyday life here. Every day at 7 PM, all of the missionaries attend mass. Mass is held 4 times a day by Piura's very own enthusiastic Father Joe.  Our dinner is always after the Mass. Except, on Wednesday, we had early dinner before Mass because there is a fiesta at one of the villages. 
Me, Father Joe, and one of the dogs, Boutina. We had dinner together after Mass. 
Father Joe and the other dog, Beethoven
The people of Piura are extremely religious and every day, the church is filled with many residents from Piura. We missionaries sit on the left side from the entrance.
The church just before mass. 
Announcements: Wedding, birth, baptism,etc......
 During mass, Father Joe fills his teachings with extremely relatable anecdotes, and makes sure to translate his words into both Spanish and English so that everyone understands. I daresay that his stories are even more interesting than those we here in the States. The entire mass is filled with singing and clapping, and is a great experience.

Receiving Eucharist is also done differently here in Piura. Everyone gets bread but not wine. Although mass may seem confusing during the first day, one soon gets used to the rhythm and really understands what its all about. Its definitely a great time to reflect upon one's day and think about tomorrow!

The following are pictures taken during mass.
Father Joe quoting from the bible.

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