Friday, May 24, 2013

Vaccination Menu

     This is the list of all the shots available at the Public Health Department at San Jose. We arrived there at 11:30, but we had to wait until 1:00 because they were closed for lunch. We waited at Starbucks and came back to an extremely long line. After we finally got to the beginning of the line and turned in our forms, we were able to get more information about Peru. The Yellow Fever shots were really expensive, and we might have gotten Typhoid shots as well, but we decided not to because they were also really expensive, and we could come back for them anyway.

     Then, we went through all of the procedures and got a list of medicine to buy and bug repellent and warnings, and finally, we were done!

     After a Yellow Fever vaccine, I am ready (immunization wise) for Piura! All that's left is packing and itinerary.

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